This sounds fun and very doable if you like lakes (or can grow to appreciate them, LOL) have the Internet (which if you are reading this then obviously you do! Hehe-I am in a weird mood this morning--never mind me, just keep reading!), can commit about 15-20 hours a week, are very detailed and have excellent spelling, grammar and writing skills.
Lake lubbers.com needs part time freelance home based writers to help build their database of USA lakes in 2008, and then worldwide in 2009. Not so good at lake research? No worries. Lakelubbers will help you improve your lake-specific skills.
They need writers to do about 5-7 write-ups weekly, and will pay about $12.00 per hour.
Lakelubbers writers track their own hours, must submit invoices, and are paid by check or PayPal (your choice) once every two weeks.
Lakelubbers has a very detailed specific, format for applying with them (in a nutshell-you will write some sample reviews for them ), not difficult just kind of a step by step way of applying. No resumes are needed.
So go to Lakelubbers and check it out! Sounds like a good possibility for some work at home money to me (if I apply--thinking about it) I will report back.
Good Luck!
** Just my opinion here, but I would apply rather quickly if interested as I have a feeling Lake lubbers will get quite a few applicants on this one!