Today.com is a great place to start your own blog. I have one on there that I started about 6 months ago, and am getting ready to start a second. By starting your blog on today.com, you get free blog hosting, which is very cool. You also can earn some money for your posts. The rate may vary depending on the traffic your blog brings in, but you should get at least $1 each day for your first post of the day that is about 100 words. You also get paid $2 per 1000 page views. Today.com is pretty well established and brings in high numbers of readers, so much of the promoting is already being done for you. But of course to generate more traffic, you should do your own promotion.
You need to fill out an application on Today.com with your suggestion of the blog you'd like to write. They say it could take up to 30 days to get approved, but usually it is the same day or next day.
Another program Today just recently started is an "Open Call" area where you can choose an article topic to write about and if it is accepted, get paid. Most offers are set at $5.00, but sometimes they are higher..you just have to keep checking.
So if you could use some extra cash (and with Christmas on it's way, who couldn't?), you might want to check out today.com.