LoveToKnow is a fast growing content site with informative articles on a variety of topics.
Right now they need articles on dance-- so if you are a lover of dancing and have some knowledge and maybe experience (think cheer, drill teams??), you may want to apply.
This is a part time work from home opportunity, and you will need to commit to about 20 articles a month. Pay is per article, usually at $20.00 per each 650 word article submitted.
There is an online application if you are interested in applying, and they ask that you highlight your relevant experience, and include "dance" in the qualifications field. In addition, please include at least two short writing samples as part of your application.
Just a note here-- there are many other topics covered on Love To Know. Some may need more writers, some may not. But it certainly can't hurt to apply for another category you see if it looks interesting to you!
Good Luck!