www.mexicoxpatz.com is looking for freelance writers to contribute articles for their quarterly magazine. Each issue focuses on a certain topic, and their Jan. 2009 issue will be highlighting San Miguel De Allende.
They will be accepting articles through October 2008 for the Jan. issue, and will be paying .20 per word, with additional pay for photographs. The pay rate will also be increasing after the first of the year.
There are a few options available as to the type of articles that will be accepted, such as history, recipes, entertainment, real estate, healthcare, and nightlife of the locale being focused on. It is advised that you first contact the magazine editors to see if they would be interested in your idea. They also suggest that you give your story query plenty of specifics, give a lot of detail and tell them why you’re the person to write it.
There is a lot of information you can check out at the writer's page of the magazine, so take a look and see if this interests you.
Good Luck!