This work at home job is with an internet research company that has different clients needing articles written daily on their specific needs. For example, the client may be a moving company, and will want several articles written that involve key words related to moving.
Because the goal is to get search engines to find the articles, the priority will be getting key words mentioned several times in your articles. The writing itself does not need to be catered towards readers, as these posts are more for search engines to "read" than actual people. So whatever you write and however you write is fine, as long as you mention "moving companies" (for an example) several times.
The pay is $10 per article, and they are looking for someone who can write about 3-4 articles a day.
If you are interested in this possible work at home job, then send an email to gigs-853707205@craigslist.org
Good Luck!