Taking a break from researching work at home jobs to post about a couple of fun things you may want to check out!
First up.... Right @ Home.com is giving away Free Ziploc® Brand Vacuum Freezer System Starter Kits, plus $14.10 in coupons to the first 20,000 people to request one. I already have sent in my request...I was just checking these cool things out at the store the other day, but decided to wait to buy one. Hehe...I am so happy I waited! They will send these gift packs out by December 15, 2008. All you need to do is fill out a very short form online (name, address, etc.), and become a member of Right@Home. They have great recipes, giveaways, freebies, tips, etc. It is a site worth being a member of (no cost to be a member, promise!) Cool, uh?
Second is a great giveaway over at It's Just My Thoughts. The talented blogger and custom jewelry designer is holding a contest and the lucky winner will receive an awesome bracelet. She is also having a 25% Off Sale on her jewelry items...so go get signed up for the contest. The winner will be chosen on Halloween.
Happy Friday!