This is a Freelance Work At Home Opportunity that is specifically for people living in Los Angeles West Side (from Beverly Hills, south to El Segundo, west to the Beach).
Forth Magazine features the most interesting, praiseworthy, and entertaining art and literature in the West Los Angeles area.
Forth is constantly accepting submissions from Westside locals in the areas of Forth logo design, Prose, Poetry, and Artwork. The pay rate is .10 per word for writing, $10.00 per artwork such as Painting, Drawing, Photography, Photos of artwork like sculpture, furniture, fashion, style, etc. And $25.00 for logo designs. The Front Cover logo is redesigned for each issue, and contributors can submit any style design (hand-drawn, painted, graphic designed, etc.) as long as it builds upon their basic logo.
Read more about the Submission Guidelines, and Forth Magazine, if you are interested and live in the West Los Angeles area.
Good Luck!