I highly suggest taking a look at this work at home opportunity! The Personal News Network (PNN) is looking for contributors/authors for their many different topics.
The PNN Network has three levels of authors: freelance, contributing, and featured. Freelance are paid on a per article basis for pre-approved articles. Contributing authors are paid based on page views - the number of times readers come to your site (currently $5/1,000). Featured authors are paid a set amount every month, and also share in sponsored ad revenues. The monthly pay depends on the category you write for (see each one for a description). A very cool thing is that PNN will match a portion of the money made by their authors to non profit organizations that support writers around the world.
PNN suggests that writers write at least three times a week, and update often.
They are currently looking for moms to be contributing authors for their Mom Group. The pay will be a minimum of $100/month. The details of how to apply is on the PNN Website, and selections will be made by November 15th.
They are also in need for contributing author for their women's Health and Well-Being Group. This would involve "keeping your audience up to date on what's current in health and wellness. Nutritious and delicious eating; workouts both outer (yoga?) and inner (meditation?); even intriguing spa treatments -- these are just a few of the topics..." You need to post at least three times a week, and pay will also be a minimum of $100/month plus a share of ad revenues.
There are more writing opportunities listed, including a need for a "How To" Craft Author with pay of $200/month. Take a look at The PNN Network if you are interested in learning more about their work at home freelance writing opportunities!