This could be a very nice resource for working from home online and making extra money at home.
Security-Guy.com needs regular contributors of short security related articles. You do not need to know about the security industry or be an expert on security issues. You do need to have good writing skills and the time and interest to create well balanced content.
They are looking for interesting two page articles written from your point of view, supported by facts and articles that you have researched.
You can submit your first article by email. The first article should be in MS word or PDF format. Editors will review it within 24 hours. If the article is accepted, you will then receive an email acceptance of the article and acceptance as a contributing Author. The email will provide you an Authors Name and Password so you can sign in and automatically submit future articles.
The best part is that when an article is accepted, the payment will be transferred to your paypal account the same day.
The pay rate is based on a 3 tier scale. The first 2 Articles $50 - each, the next 2 articles accepted will be paid $65 each, and all articles after the first 4 will be paid $75 each.
If your article is not accepted you will get an email and explaining why they could not buy the article. You'll get detail changes required before it could be purchased. You can then edit or add to the article based on these suggestions and resubmit it for purchase.
The only caution here is that Security-Guy.com will buy 10 articles every day. So you will be competing with other writers and there is no guarantee of your articles being purchased.
You can read the complete details about this extra income opportunity with Security-Guy on their website. It's worth taking a closer look at if you enjoy writing short articles.
Good Luck!