December 16, 2008

Hire A Helper...A Freelance Job Resource?

I came across Hire A today, and found it interesting. I have no personal experience with the company, other than what I have read on the website and Internet today, but thought I'd pas on the information for anyone interested.

Hire a Helper seems to be like a CraigsList of sorts, but with a few differences. First, the main service area they offer is apparently moving services. However, they also offer lawn care help, cleaning, day labor, and construction clean up. Clients can peruse the listings of those people that have registered and listed their area of service and their prices.

If you sign up as a helper, you are working as an Independent Contractor, not an employee. So how much you charge is up to you. There is a 15% fee deducted from your earnings, per each job you complete. That is to cover advertising and other fees.

To sign up, you provide your contact and payment information, select the services you’d like to offer, set your own rates and availability, and check your e-mail daily for job notifications.

Anyone with feedback on Hire A Helper? We'd love to hear about it!

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