Sutherland@Home offers a work at home program where you are hired as an employee, not as an independent contractor. Currently work at home customer service agents are part-time positions, and employees will work between 19 (minimum) and 29 (maximum) hours a week. There are openings from time to time for management positions that are full time work at home positions.
Pay ranges from $10 – $15/hr, depending on the type of work needed, your experience in that field and your productivity. Payment will be made through direct deposit or mailed checks.
Basic Requirements for the work at home associates are:
- 32 Bit Windows XP or 32 Bit Windows Vista (Home Premium or Business)
- 1 GHz or higher Intel Pentium 4 or AMD 64 processor
- 1 GB of System Ram for Windows XP or 1.5 GB for Vista
- 20 GB of available hard drive space
- DVD drive
- Sound Card
Check out the Sutherland Work@Home opportunities, and if you decide to apply,
Good Luck!
And Check Out Another Work at Home Customer Service Opportunity with Cloud 10