October 16, 2007

Writing Update

So, I planned to spend my day writing for AC. I want and need to make some extra XMAS $$. How did I do? Not good! My first distraction came in the form of ( maybe TMI...WARNING) a diaper gone mad!! Yep...you get the picture. Living room, family room, toys, slide, stairs...not much of my house survived the great diaper debacle!
Then I had to pack up my two little munchkin boys and make a grocery run for MORE diapers and paper towels and CARPET CLEANER! Oy Vey!
Next distraction came in the form of LONG DIVISION. My daughter came home in a very sullen mood. Seems they are starting long division this week, and she is not pleased. So, WE worked on the never ending homework...sheesh...how many problems are we parents (I mean KIDS!) supposed to do in one night??
Dinner, dishes, dogs, diapers, bath, and now I am back at my computer; sullen daughter happily ensconsed in her room, homework done, and my three yr old sound asleep on the living room couch ( think I'll move him? not for a long time!). My baby ( almost 1, but still my baby!), is keeping me company as I sit here yawning.
So, now I will attempt another article to join my lone ONE that I wrote in the midst of my crazy day. Not at all what I had set my goal for. Well, tomorrow is another day. I hope for a nice diaper day!!

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