While doing my usual morning cruise around the internet today, I came across a wonderful blog written by a funny, witty and hard-working mommy.
Mommy Writer Blog is written by Bethany Hiiola, and she is, as she refers to herself, " a mommy by day and a writer by night." Bethany writes things that I swear I have had in my head so often. Balancing motherhood and work (be it from home or at an office) is like the eternal challenge we face, but to read the craziness of daily life as a mom from the perspective of Bethany is like having someone else tell you, "It's ok,--I'm right there in the trenches with you--you are not alone!"
Bethany has a review on her blog about a book titled, "THE STAY-AT-HOME SURVIVAL GUIDE: Field-tested strategies for staying smart, sane, and connected while caring for your kids" by Melissa Stanton. According to Bethany, what this book does best is just share with you that--guess what--staying home as a mom is a full time gig. One that isn't always pretty. Sometimes sucks. But in the end, can be survivable and fun.
If you want to be, currently are, or once were, a stay at home mom doing the juggling multi-tasking dance of laundry, cleaning, feeding, napping, bathing, dressing, hygiene, appointments, games, school, crafts, cooking, Bethany says this delightful book is a must read.
Bethany herself wanted to read and review the book because as she puts it, she'd love more than anything to "land on the other side of the fence. Chuck the paying corporate day job to stay home with my kids."
And while The Stay at Home Survival Guide is certainly not a tell-all guide for leaving work and becoming a stay at home mom, it does share what other moms did. What Melissa, the author herself, did. What others could do. And by all means, what any mom might do.
It is so worth reading the full review by Bethany...and it is very worthwhile to take a break and enjoy this very fun mommy blog as well!