Yea!! I love this site I came across today. Lately I have become more focused on coupons, give-aways, freebies, and just everything related to frugal living. And I'm happy to find out it is actually fun!
So today I found Free Birthday Treats-- a free site where you can find all kinds of fun and free birthday treats for you, your kids, and even your pet. How great is that?
You just enter your state and a list of businesses offering freebies ( like a free meal, dessert, coupons, bowling, movie rentals, free manicures, etc) will be displayed. Just click on whichever links interest you, and you will be taken to that business's website. There you can sign up to receive their birthday freebie! I happily and unashamedly report that I hit the Baskin Robbins one first thing. Yum.
Now this also got me to thinking that mompreneurs with wonderful products that they sell online might want to consider being a provider of a birthday freebie on this site. Maybe offer a secial discount, or sample, or whatever. Since I am not a mompreneur of any wonderful products, I don't know how/if this would work out, but I thought it could be an idea worth throwing out there.
But definitely check out Free Birthday Treats-- The site now has over 4,000 unique visitors a month and over 2,000 nationwide listings for birthday freebies and discounts. You'll also find frugal birthday tips, featured businesses and weekly product reviews/giveaways.