Happy Monday Morning!
I pretty much took the weekend off and spent time with my family. But got a few things to get started with this Monday morning--
Food Bloggers are wanted at Orble.com. They are looking for blogs on cooking, recipes, dieting, restaurant reviews, or other food related topics. Your writing willgain exposure to a significant audience as Orble is one of the largest blogging communities with over 100,000 readers every day. Rate of pay is 50% of the advertising revenue generated by your blog.
According to the Orble team, many Orble writers are attracting jobs from the mainstream media after writing for Orble and it looks great on your resume. It's interesting work and can be a lot of fun as well.
To apply create a food blog on Orble.com and write three posts of at least 200 words.
To create a blog go to Orble.com and click on "Start a blog" at the top of the screen.
You will then automatically be considered for a blog on a separate domain name which Orble will pay for and set up.
Starting a blog on Orble is quite simple and requires no training, however you may find the following links useful:
And another blogging oportunity--
A new women's blogging network is about to launch-"Spice"--and they are looking for bloggers to blog on topics such as finance, frugal living, health, fitness, food, family,and more.
Bloggers are paid a generous share of revenue generated from the sites (70% split among each site’s writers for the first year, for bloggers who sign up by the end of July), and are expected to post at least 5 short articles per week.
To apply, Contact Haidn Foster at haidn@hefmedia.com with past experience, attached writing samples, area of interest, etc.
Thanks to jobs@problogger.net for these listings!