I just finished reading a great article on Slacker Manager called 8 Tips on How to Work at Home. I found myself really enjoying this article ( and guess what--I drank a cup of coffee as I read it, aaaand-- I read the whole article, all at one time, with no kids around! Nope--all 3 munchkins are still sound asleep, hehe, so mom got some much needed alone with my coffee quality time!!)
Anyway, I digress. Back to the article I read. David Zinger has worked at home for about 28 years, including a period of having 3 children under 2 years of age. Wow-- this is a person I am very interested in getting advice and tips from.
I can relate to much of what David writes about in his article, and a couple of point he made really hit home for me as well.
I agreed wholeheartedly when David brings up the all too true scenario of kids gone crazy and driving me nuts. I would much rather be here at home with my kids driving me nuts than stuck in my car with traffic driving me nuts. Thank-you David, for that perspective!
Read David's 8 tips, and enjoy his wisdom gained from 28 years of working at home.
For me, the best tip I have right now is this: Get up early before anyone else and get some quality alone time in with your coffee cup and lap top. I can probably make this time, short as it may be, more work-related productive than all the rest of the hours in the day combined.