This blogging opportunity comes with a start pay rate of $500 a month. A celebrity obsessed blogger is needed for a celebrity website and this is straight from the posting--it describes perfectly what the job entails:
"In an effort to weed out potential candidates, I'll also explain the day to day work you'll be doing. The person we hire will of course get a much more detailed explanation, but here's the gyst:
1) Using the main sources of celebrity news on the web, you will pick 7-10 articles (not necessarily at the same time, just throughout the day) that you think would be good to write about. If you love celebrity news, you already know these sources. Otherwise, if you email us for more info, we'll let you know.
2)You'll want to grab a quote from that article. You'll also want to grab the URL so you can link to the source in the article.
3) You'll write a quick 1-2 sentence blurb about the article. For example, "Lindsay Lohan was seen running naked through a shopping mall today." After that blurb, you'll cite the source and put in the quote from the article which usually explains the story a little more.
4) Then you'll do your 1-2 paragraph commentary on it, which needs to be funny and interesting. Check out thesuperficial.com or wwtdd.com for examples.
5) You'll also need to find an appropriate image to use for that article. This is the main image that goes above the text, and we always use the same size...so you'll need to be able to work with photoshop or some other program to get a nice looking picture.
6) out of the 7-10 articles, about 3-4 will have a gallery with it. For example, if it's an article about Kate Beckinsale's vacation in Cabo, you'll be attaching the images from that vacation (usually 6-12 of them). This also requires a bit of skill with working with images. Nothing a trained monkey couldn't do, but we just don't want to teach a complete rookie how to do these things if we can avoid it.
That's pretty much it. In a nutshell, you find something in the celeb world to write about, you find the appropriate image(s) and a quote, then you write something funny about it. We'll provide the sources of images, but it's important that the applicant can really hit the ground running. Ideally, you'll already be very familiar with some similar sites mentioned above and can just take over without a problem."
Also required:
A passion for the latest celebrity news
enough time during the day to do this (estimate 2-3 hours per day, should be spread out a bit as the latest celeb news develops
creativity, wittiness, a bit of an edge, and definitely a sense of humor
a good work ethic; we can't afford to hire someone who just doesn't write the content one day without telling us and having a good reason
a knowledge of basic HTML and also working with resizing images and taking high quality screenshots
there will be a bit of working with sexy images of female celebrities (no nudity), so anyone applying should know that up front
If interested, email samples of your work to job-811133848@craigslist.org
Good Luck!