There is a resource for pet sitters that you may or may not be aware of. Most people have probably heard of or have seen ads for Sitter City, a database service for childcare providers and parents looking for childcare in their area. But Sitter City actually provides listings for more than babysitters. They also provide databases for pet sitters, house sitters, senior care and tutors.
It's free and easy to create a profile on Sitter City. And once you create your profile you can check daily for job postings, and even have daily emails sent to you with jobs available in your area.
It's then up to you to decide which if any pet sitting jobs you see posted are ones you'd like to apply for.
Since it's a free service, it seems as though it could be a valuable resource for someone starting or already running their own pet sitting business, There are articles and resources available on the Sitter City site that offer valuable information on how the whole process is done, rates normally charged, tips for increasing business, etc.
If you haven't checked out Sitter City before, you may want to. It really isn't just for parents and babysitters. Really.