A health care blog is looking for a blogger to write about heath topics such as healthcare news, health insurance, treatments, disease, etc.
They are especially interested in hearing from health care professionals or anyone having extensive experience with any particular diseases or conditions.
Healthcare Hacks is owned by Killer Aces Media, a blog network dedicated and seasoned at building and growing community blogs, like Wise Bread (www.wisebread.com) and Parenting Squad (www.parentingsquad.com). They are looking to grow their health care blog, Healthhacks.
The rate of pay is $15 per post (400 words min), plus page view rate bonus when site passes minimum traffic threshold.
To apply, you will need:
3-4 writing samples of more than 400 words. Include at least 5 specific article ideas that you could write on.
Also a cover letter that includes relevant background experience.
Send to recruiting@healthcarehacks.com
Good Luck!
Thanks to Problogger for this listing!