A San Jose based e-commerce store that specializes in children's products is looking for an online customer service representative.
They need a full time self starter with a great computer and Broadband connection. You will need to be able to work Monday through Friday at least 20 - 30 hours/week and some Sundays 10 - 4.
The main responsibilities will be to take phone calls from customers for pre- and post-sale inquiries, manage orders and handle email correspondence with both customers and suppliers.
Qualifications desired would be:
college degree or high school diploma with excellent experience
Excellent English skills, both written and verbal
Microsoft Office proficiency
Show progressive growth in past position
Can keep details organized and take initiative without supervision
Previous Call Center experience a plus
Pay listed is $8- $10/hr. based on experience.
If interested, they ask you answer the following questions in an email, and cut and paste your resume in the email (no attachements):
NOTE: Cut and Paste Resume into body of e-mail along with the answers to the above questions and submit to jobs@echannelsolutions.com. They expect to hire within 4 weeks.