WonderHowTo.com is seeking an Online Administrator who can work from home running the website. You get paid $250 weekly, per the job description.
In this job, you will administer a WonderHowto micro-site (utilizing our platform called "Worlds") that is all about pranks. Some of your responsibilities in running the site will include:
- Being quick to discover the most hilarious, original pranks online
- Coming up with original ideas for pranks and writing accompanying, high quality How-To's (or demonstration videos) for the community
- Bringing in new community members through various promotional/ social strategies
- Strategizing on how to get the community involved by submitting their own prank ideas or cool finds on the web
- Engaging the community in a friendly, encouraging manner
You can apply for this remote online job by emailing the following items to: job-spvun-2808465157@craigslist.org
- Your resume + links to online profiles for sites you're active on
- A list of your favorite humor-based sites
- A little background info on you--what makes you qualified? What's the funniest prank you've ever come across (or better yet, performed)?
- Writing samples if available