June 4, 2012

HubPages Apprenticeship Program: Get Paid to Learn How to Write Online

HubPages' Apprenticeship Program is a rigorous 6-month training program that will pay you to learn how to write online!

Who Can Apply For This Program?

Talented bloggers with topical expertise and an impressive publishing history (an active blog, for example) can apply. They will be looking for a consistent stream of newly-published Hubs and/or an already existing blog, website, or collection of published online work. 

They will also be reviewing your published work for good grammar and punctuation.

You must have a HubPages account and at least one published Hub. You must also have an approved Google AdSense account and be enrolled in the HubPages Earnings Program.

Lastly, to be considered, you must be willing to invest a significant amount of time and focus.

About the Program And Getting Paid

As a member of the HubPages Apprenticeship Program, you will receive personalized feedback, special lessons, and group support. 

Apprentices are expected to publish a minimum of 8 Hubs, and a maximum of 24 Hubs, each month. Those Hubs must be entirely original to HubPages, contain a minimum of 500 words, include at least one image, and only use images that are original or legally used and properly attributed.

Apprentices are also given an up-front bonus of just over $6 for each Hub published (this is independent of any ad revenue earned).

If you are interested, you can get started with your application now (only 30 applicants are accepted into the program each month,) at HubPages.

Good Luck!

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