August 24, 2007

Associated Content

OK. This is a site where you get paid for writing short articles ( min.400 words ). I have signed up, and have been reading the message boards there, and trying to get acclimated. It all seemed a bit daunting at first, I admit, but the more I read on the forums, and the more I checked out what people have written, the more I became eager to give this a try. So, I have now submitted 3 articles as of today. One is on kid's halloween parties, another on celebrating Fall and Fall activities, and one more on organizing toys in your home. Not earth-shattering subjects, nor deep provactive stuff. But that seems to be apparently is more important to do "how to" type articles and Reviews, if you are looking to make money. I'm still getting my feet wet at this site, but I've read lots of good stuff about AC, and everything looks legit, and they really will pay for content. There are guidelines, of course, and I am hoping that my articles so far will meet the guidelines. If the AC editors want to publish your content, they will notify you in your message center that they have an offer. From what I've read so far, you can expect the average offer to be between $3-$5 dollars. But articles also alot more also...some have gotten $50.00. I am really excited, so far, with this site. I plan to submit at least 2, but hopefully 3-4, articles daily. It is supposed to take appx. 2 weeks to get a response ( offer or returned ), so I figure I will spend the next couple of weeks submitting, and see how it goes. I am hoping to submit enough content so that enough will be bought, and I won't feel too badly about the ones that aren't bought. I also am hoping to learn quite a bit more about the type of writing that pays the best, and at the same time, improve on my own writing skills ( very much needed!).

I will most definetly be updating on my experiences with Associated Content, and will update when and IF i do actually make $$$$! There is a link on my page if you would like to check this site out yourself.

My next goal is to absolutely dedicate time to working on getting traffic to my blog!
I have been so caught up on the trying to make some money at the sites I've signed up at, that I am not working on the marketing, referral, and advertising aspects of these programs. This is something I must commit to do.

Happy Friday!!

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