Yes, I want to redo our master bathroom. Of course want and need are two different things, and the truth of the matter is that we really do not need to redo our bathroom just yet. But I have a bad case of bathroom envy because my neighbor up the street just redid hers and it's beautiful! Sigh. So I went looking online today anyway to look at ideas for when and if we ever do get to do a bathroom suite makeover.
And while it was fun doing my fantasy online shopping, I realized that our bathroom is really fine ( of course it could be better with a jacuzzi bathtub, hehe), and I was just being consumed by "wanna have" envy. My neighbor works full time, as does her husband. And that is fine. But I realized as I surfed the Internet checking out gorgeous bathroom fixtures, that everything is a trade off. Yes, I could work outside the home full time and maybe have the extra money to redo a bathroom or get new carpeting, or whatever. But the trade off would be of course being away from my kids and for me, a new bathroom is not worth it.
So, I can live with my master bathroom, and I can live with my choice to be a stay at home mom and a work at home mom.
Remodeling can wait.Jacuzzi bathtubs can wait. My kids are only little for a minute in time.